- Female
- 21 - 29 years Old
- D3/S1 Public Relation/Communication/ Manajemen (Consentration Marketing)
- Creative and Innovative
- Hard Worker
- Photogenic & Good Looking
- Up to date with social media
- Able to work in a team
- The ability to cope with pressure
- Effective organisational abilities
- Enthusiasm
- Strong analytical & Organisational Skill
- A good grasp of literacy, for writing reports and presentations
- A good grasp of numeracy, for data analysis and negotiation
- The ability to work with IT resources such as databases and spreadsheets, for the collection and management of information
**Job Description**:
- Make posting planning in social media
- Make marketing planning in social media
- Make concept for campaign in social media
**Must have skills**
Creative Concept
Content Writing
Creative Thinking
Content Creation
Creative Writing
Content Writer
Innovative And Creative
Content Marketing
Content Strategy
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu, Kontrak
Panjang kontrak: 3 bulan
Gaji: Rp3.000.000 - Rp3.500.000 per bulan
Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah Rumah:
- Bogor: Melakukan pulang-pergi kerja dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengganggu kinerja atau berencana pindah tempat tinggal sebelum mulai bekerja (Diwajibkan)
Built at: 2025-02-17T02:18:20.611Z